Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guessing Time!

Probably a decade or so ago my mother, aunt, and girl cousins all sat around my Grandmother's dining table and played a game that determines the gender and number of your future children. Have any of you heard of it? You take a ring and tie it to a thread about 12 inches long. Hold the ring by the thread over your wrist. If the ring goes in circles (round and round) you’re having a boy, if it swings side to side, then it’s a girl. I wish we still had that little piece of paper we wrote the results down on. It would be funny to compare and see if it was close to right. All I remember is that one of my cousins is going to have about 15 kids or something...

Anyway, we get an ultrasound this week and Adam and I really excited to find out what this little nugget inside of me is! But first, we want to know all of your guesses! Boy or Girl? Because I'm not a fancy blogger I didn't do a built in survey or poll or anything - you'll just have to leave your guess in a comment :)