Friday, October 31, 2008


In Humanities, I just learned a lot fasces and they are surprisingly fascinating. They are used a lot in Roman architecture to symbolize power or unity. I was learning about little devises Napoleon or Jefferson used to show he was in control and wanted the society to support him. One of the tools he used was sculpting fasces into pillars of buildings, statues, etc.

A fasces looks like a bunch of while rods tied together with a red leather ribbon into a cylinder. It is meant to show the many coming into one. This makes better stability, persistence, unity, and strength. It reminds me of Moses 7:18 where he states "the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind..."

Zion is the ultimate form of unity, strength, and stability. And if Zion was created by being of one heart and one mind, then the fasces symbolize Zion too. fasces are a physical mirror of what Zion is in the hearts of saints or citizens or communities that feel unity.

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