Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Every time she took a pic, she would whip this paper character out of her bag and pose with it. I love Sister Masters. I love the fanny pack, wide-brimmed hat, stunna shade clip on combo. Our whole group looks this good. We don’t even attempt to blend in. Also, if anyone knows why the purple paper man, let me know...


a said...

I forget what those tiny purple people are called, but I think a lot of people take them all around the world on trips and stuff then pass it to a friend to do the same. Is this woman a grade school teacher? A lot of teachers do this and make little books with titles such as "Adventures of Lafonda in Egypt" or something. The little person is called the traveling something-or-other. I think. Or she just has a paper friend...:)

Jenica Ostler said...

hahah! Thats the funniest thing I've ever seen! Thank you angela for your explanation. That makes much more sense :) oh funny! So cute.

Karin Myers said...

It's a flat stanley. We've done plenty of them.
Such fun pictures, Candace! Awesome blog too!