Friday, May 8, 2009

In Aladdin We Trust

So the name of the man that changes our money's name is Aladdin. He made a really funny business card. Meg thought of the perfect way to describe what it looks like. She explained it as "the one where all the kids who ran for fourth grade treasurer super imposed their face where George Washington's is on the dollar bill." So perfect. Across the top of the buisness card he put "In Aladdin We Trust." Except his name is pronounced like "Allah Dean." Exchanging money with him was the greatest experience. So hilarious. Apparently he gives the Jerusalem Center kids the best exchange rate.


Amanda said...

That's so funny that the exchange rate isn't the same

Kayla said...

Aladdin & sons, one of the greatest (nonreligious) sites in the Old City! ;)