Friday, May 8, 2009

Jerusalem Walls

Our Jerusalem Center is on a hill that runs parallel to the Mount of Olives. The center overlooks the entire city. So from my view I see these walls everyday. These walls surround the Old City. At each of the 8 gates there are tons and tons of pick-pocketers. I literally have just sat there and watched these children brush up against people and test their marks to see who is their best candidate. Fascinating profession. They are really good at what they do.

So this picture is just to give you an orient of how big those limestone walls are that we pass through everyday. These walls lead to such historical sites. They lead to the Garden Tomb. The church of the Holy Sepulcher. The Pools of Bethesda. Everything.


Kim said...

Wow! What an awesome thing it must be to wake up every morning in such a facinating place! Thank you again, so much, for the pictures and coments
Love you

Anonymous said...

dear candace,
we think you are really cool! most likely cooler than both of us put together. hope you keep having a killer time.

jenica and joshua